FOUND – Scientific journals from 1850’s !!!

I’ve been helping a mate with the renovation of an old Georgian house this week. In the basement we found a load of old laboratory instruments, journals and scientific logs – amazing stuff!! I studied physics for 3 years in Edinburgh so I was well excited. Everything was supposed to be dumped but my mate let me take some of the home.
The leather bound journals are basically full of handwritten entries by some guy called Eloi McDuahail – dating from the 1850’s! I also found formulas and scientific documentations of an electrical circuit board and alternating current. Another entry describes the theory of the telephone and tv. WTF!!! Some of the info is DECADES ahead of its time! There are also anecdotes about oddities, signs and colours, things vanishing. Similar stuff to what I have been accounting for on this website, even a sketch that looks like the Spiral!!

Maybe these are the writings of a lunatic and yet….  Another entry I found details of the atom and experiments to split it. There are also mentions of binary codes, DARPA and a sketch of packet switching…. The fourth journal describes the secret Pegasus time travel experiments of the 1970’s. I can’t explain it – the house I found these in is marked for demolition… if this is a hoax, how could anyone be sure they would be found? The final journal has more ominous entries regarding the Higgs Boson and a sketch of what looks like the CERN Hadron collider in Switzerland. Literally mind-blowing stuff. How could this information even be possible? How could he possibly know any of this stuff in the 1850’s??? If the man was still alive he would have to be at least 180+ years old.  Unless he has a DeLorean parked somewhere he couldn’t possible have known about this stuff. I don’t know which part of this whole thing is the most surreal or fantastic… or sinister.

Although maybe it’s this. The last journal entry reads:

December 21 2012
It all ends.
Must stop it.

Is there anyone out there that can make sense of any of this? I’ll keep you posted on any updates…


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